wad a day man... finally get to fix my java problem. then went to play a while nia, my sis come tell me desktop chui. wa i sian half. spend the next half of the day trying to fix it. but cmi la. i not superman. hais. try until head spin. even jus now go eat dinner oso tinking about the desktop. too long nv use le. become lousy le issit? diao.. must be becos nobody go maintain it. now me only use laptop. laptop maintain until swee swee de. desktop become ugly le. hahas...
see my room. do until luan qi ba zhao de. haish.. tink gonna format the com le. then
sis and dad's stuff all gone. sians.. how sia.. waaaa headache...

i guess its always good to have someone good in IT in the family :D
omg.. miss baobei sho muchie... today dint see her T.T sobs.. hope she misses me too.. >.<